Date: Wed, 11 May 94 04:30:15 PDT From: Ham-Digital Mailing List and Newsgroup Errors-To: Ham-Digital-Errors@UCSD.Edu Reply-To: Ham-Digital@UCSD.Edu Precedence: Bulk Subject: Ham-Digital Digest V94 #144 To: Ham-Digital Ham-Digital Digest Wed, 11 May 94 Volume 94 : Issue 144 Today's Topics: [Q] your opinion for BEST HF PacTOR rig ? HF modem software on DSP sound card Older MFJ-1270 and KISS PA0HZP scc card Packet radio FTP sites Permanent NOS Server Send Replies or notes for publication to: Send subscription requests to: Problems you can't solve otherwise to Archives of past issues of the Ham-Digital Digest are available (by FTP only) from UCSD.Edu in directory "mailarchives/ham-digital". We trust that readers are intelligent enough to realize that all text herein consists of personal comments and does not represent the official policies or positions of any party. Your mileage may vary. So there. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: 6 May 1994 20:32:27 GMT From:!!! Subject: [Q] your opinion for BEST HF PacTOR rig ? To: In article <>, (Steve Wolf) writes: > A power supply in my Yaesu 980 was no where near what is required for > Pactor. To replace it, I ordered a Kenwood 450. Never having had a > Kenwood HF radio, I was still able to be up and talking on Pactor in > .. get this ... 15 minutes (but I already had a hot iron). It has so > many obvious features that lend itself to digital work that I went out > and replaced another Yaesu with a Kenwood 690. Well, I've used Yaesu-990 for PacTOR (and AMTOR and you name it), and on PacTOR the rig hardly got warm... Full power, 110W. Maybe it was 980-specific problem? [Setting Yaesu for PacTOR took me less than 1 minute, BTW! :-] Regards, Uri. ------------ ------------------------------ Date: 9 May 1994 16:20:48 GMT From:!!!psgrain!!flop.ENGR.ORST.EDU!!! Subject: HF modem software on DSP sound card To: Hello fellow DSP experimentors, After quite an effort, I now have a beta version ready for testing my HF DSP modem software for a PC sound card. The sound card's DSP runs the real-time modem code, while the host PC does bit-assembly and the user interface. Presently only AMTOR is supported, but new modes will be released in future. Please note that this software will only work on PSA-based PC sound cards, i.e. those using the Analog Devices PSA chipset that includes an ADI 2115 DSP chip, i.e. Cardinal, Orchid... This is a minimal budget alternative for a very useful DSP platform for PC's. This is free software, available via anonymous ftp from: UCSD.EDU /hamradio/packet/tcpip/incoming/ + psator.txt Enjoy, Johan Forrer KC7WW ------------------------------ Date: 11 May 94 06:39:23 GMT From: agate!!gatech!udel!!! Subject: Older MFJ-1270 and KISS To: I bought an older MFJ-1270 (Release 1.1.2 12/30/85) at a flea market thinking I could use it with NOS. After reading the manual it seems like there is no command to put it in KISS mode. Is there a combination of commands I can use to put the TNC in KISS mode. If this is not possible I wonder if the ROM can be upgraded? Chris Wysopal, n1obj ------------------------------ Date: 10 May 94 16:26:07 GMT From: agate!!pipex!sunic!!!! Subject: PA0HZP scc card To: Hello Does anybody know where I can get more info on the pa0hzp OPTOscc card, or even better where I can get pcb's etc??. Thanks in anticipation Andy Pevy G4XYW Email: or: ------------------------------ Date: 9 May 1994 17:24:59 GMT From:!usc!!!sunic!!! Subject: Packet radio FTP sites To: In <> (M.R.Bailey) writes: >I was wondering if anyone has a list of the best ftp sites around >that contain amateur radio / packet related programs. >Matthew Try and the /pub/ham directory tree. 73! Markku / OH2BQZ ------------------------------ Date: 10 May 94 19:51:51 GMT From: Subject: Permanent NOS Server To: Hi everybody, I am an avid user of NOS in the local TCP/IP network, but I face a tiny problem, so I decided to solicite some help from more experienced readers of this list. Here we go : I have a 80386/33MHz PC running NOS and a PK-232 connected to an Icom IC-229 transceiver. Now, this setup works OK, exept that the poor PC (hihi) has developped a kind of fondness for the network and is always connected to it. As a result, I do not have a PC for my other occupations (unfortunately I am in computer business, so a PC has to be used in other cores also, except our hobby). I thought of using a dedicated PC for that, and I am currently looking for one (OF COURSE for free, you don't pay for a PC in this business). However, I can not ask my supplier (or should I say "my beneficiary") for an expensive, top of the line machine. An 80386SX or DX with 1 MB of RAM and maybe a 40 MB disk, is all I can look forward to. Perhaps, this will be enough for plain vanilla operation, but I have also heard that you can use this PC as a server, and connect my normal PC to it, as a client via a null-modem cable and SLIP connection. That sounds like a very promising idea (remember : ignorance is the source of happiness), however I am a bit confused over the whole setup. Could some helpful soul give me some hints? Like for example : 1. Besides the fact that by following this setup, I can live with a lesser machine, what other benefits will I have? 2. I presume that the two PCs will form a small network. Do I need an IP address (from my coordinator) for the client as well as the one for the server (I suppose that the IP address of my current PC will be given to the server PC), or is the client IP address used only internally, therefore I should not bother my IP coordinator? 3. What sort of client software can I use? I've heard that there are some Windows-based client programs. Any hints please? Comments? 4. I initially thought of using network cards between the two PCs, but the cost is high. Given that the radio is the bottleneck, how faster would it be, if cards are used instead of SLIP connection? 5. Have I understand it correctly, that I could then add a modem to that SLIP-using serial port and have access to my mail, when I am away from home thru a notebook (using the same client software)? Needless to say, that any advice will be greatly appreciated. By the way, if my questions seem silly for the list, I wouldn't mind personal answers at the addresses below (nor will I be offended). Best 73 de SV1CEC John Caradimas +-------------------------------------------------------------+ | John Caradimas (SV1CEC) Greek Radio Amateur Station | +-------------------------------------------------------------+ | AX-25 Address : SV1CEC@SV1UY.ATH.GRC.EU | | TCP/IP Address : | | Internet Address : (home) | | (office) | | Mail Address : P.O. Box 31689, 10035, Athens, GREECE | +-------------------------------------------------------------+ | CQ Zone : 20 Locator : KM17UX ITU Zone : 28 | +-------------------------------------------------------------+ | DISCLAIMER : The opinions expressed above, are strictly of | | my own, not representing anybody else. | +-------------------------------------------------------------+ ------------------------------ Date: 9 May 1994 16:37:06 GMT From:!!!! To: References , , <2q8beo$> Reply-To : Subject : Re: GTOR for PK232 In article <2q8beo$>, (Andrew B. White) writes: |> In a previous article, (Roger Buffington) says: |> |> Clover, on the other hand, is a phase shift mode with longer signal element |> times. It will do better in fading or noisy conditions. But when the path |> is good (as 15 meters was a year ago) Clover will run flat out with a base |> rate of 750 bps or about 60 bytes per second. Just to back up Drew's comment: on my path with W5XO (Porltand, OR to central Texas - an excellent one hop path) we often observed the link on 15M running at full 750 baud data rate for many hours at a time. This is with low power (50W) and avarage antennas (tribander/dipole). ... Hank -- Hank Oredson @ Mentor Graphics Internet : Amateur Radio: W0RLI@W0RLI.OR.USA.NOAM ------------------------------ End of Ham-Digital Digest V94 #144 ******************************